
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
Pivotal breakthrough in adapting perovskite solar cells for renewable energy published in Science
A huge step forward in the evolution of perovskite solar cells recorded by researchers at CityU will have significant implications for renewable energy development. The CityU innovation paves the way for commercialising perovskite solar cells, bringing us closer to an energy-efficient future powered by sustainable sources.
CityU develops a Caregiver Support Model to help tackle the challenges of taking care of frail older adults
A team led by the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences of CityU has developed a scientific and comprehensive Caregiver Support Model and has increased family caregivers’ resilience through a Psycho-education Program on Empowerment to help them tackle the challenges they encounter on their caregiving journey.
Dr Krishnaswamy Kasturirangan delivered a lecture titled “India in Transformation and Vision for Science” as part of the CityU Distinguished Lecture on 20 May.
A survey commissioned by CityU and St. James' Settlement raises concern about the well-being of children from stepfamilies.
A survey conducted by CityU on the prospects and upward mobility opportunities in the accounting sector found that the development of the accounting sector in Hong Kong may probably be in “bottleneck”.
Two renowned academics delivered Distinguished Lectures on negative capacitance and a neurobiological approach to language respectively.
New research conducted by CityU and St. James’ Settlement sheds light on the views that secondary school students have towards planning for their future lives.
Four research projects led by CityU have received $25 million from the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) Scheme under the Research Grants Council (RGC).

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