
Showing 1 to 10 of 19 results
Court briefed on latest developments at CityU
Members were given a comprehensive overview of recent developments at CityU at the 15th meeting of the Court held on 21 January.
World’s most international university
CityU has just topped the list of the most international universities in the world, compiled using metrics from the THE World University Rankings 2020.
The MBA programme of CityU has entered the FT’s 2020 MBA top-100.
Smooth start to new semester
Staff and students were given a very warm welcome when they returned to campus at the start of the new semester on 13 January at CityU.
CityU introduces flexible admission arrangement for 2020/21
A more flexible admission arrangement will be introduced by CityU in 2020/21. It’s aimed at applicants who attain excellent overall HKDSE results but who don’t meet the admission requirements in one core subject.
An arts and music festival jointly organised by the Halls of the student residence has raised money for the Crossroads Foundation.
Mr Tobias Gremmler, Visiting Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media, gave an inspiring talk on creative education on 25 September.
Filmmaker Dr Ann Hui On-wah and Professor Leo Lee Ou-fan, Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, gave the first talk in the CityU Humanity Special Series.
The MoU signed between CityU and Fudan University will foster academic exchanges and collaboration.
Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU, exchanged views about the future development of the University with nearly 100 participants at an interactive activity.

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