
Showing 1 to 10 of 30 results
Welcoming new Council and Court appointees
New appointees to the Council and Court of CityU have been announced for a term of three years starting from 1 January 2022.
Survey on vaccination
According to a survey conducted by the Department of Media and Communication at CityU, people aged above 50 are more receptive to getting a third jab and using the LeaveHomeSafe app.
1,200 elite CityU athletes champion excellence in academics and sports
CityU actively encourages students to pursue academic knowledge in the spirit of the “Six Arts” of Classical China (rites, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy and arithmetic) by actively immersing themselves in athletic, musical, and intellectual activities.
The HK Tech online Masterclass: Advancing Research and Innovation was held on 15 December at CityU to discuss interdisciplinary collaborations to address global issues.
HK Tech 300 angel fund presentation
CityU held the third round of the Seed Fund Presentation Ceremony on 16 December for its large-scale flagship innovation and entrepreneurship programme titled HK Tech 300.
Design-a-tiger-mascot competition
Students, staff and alumni are invited to create a fresh visual identity for the University through our design-a-tiger-mascot competition.
Three world-class research centres have been established by CityU in collaboration with renowned scholars from all around the world and research institutes under InnoHK.
Tang Dynasty murals exhibition
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at CityU is pleased to present “A Glimpse of Tang Prosperity from Murals – The Exhibition Tour on Murals of the Tang Dynasty” from now until 27 February 2022.
A certificate presentation ceremony held on 24 April showed the University’s appreciation to students who supported junior students’ learning through the PALSI scheme.
Students from the School of Law celebrated their success in a recent international mooting competition at a reception on 26 April.

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