
Showing 11 to 20 of 27 results
A group of four CityU students and graduates was one of the winners in the Open Group of the Ideas Competition for Mei Ho House of Shek Kip Mei Estate
Professor Way Kuo, President-designate of CityU, was elected a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The election recognises Professor Kuo’s contribution to the field of reliability design for microelectronics products and system.
CityU's Cultural and Sports Committee organised the "City Cultural Salon" on 30 October. Around 40 guests, staff and students came to enjoy and discuss the art of Kunqu.
"Conceptual Feeling Beyond Images - The Works of Hon Chi-fun", an exhibition of more than 30 paintings created by Mr Hon during the past half century, is showing at the CityU Gallery until 9 December.
The Students’ Union of CityU organised the CityU Banquet on 26 October. The theme this year is “Love - CityU”, which showcases students’ sense of belonging to the University.
I am one of the participants of the Synergistic Innovation Scheme. I have learnt a great deal about science and conducting applied research through this scheme.
Thirty-nine CityU students have been presented with the Outstanding Student Award by the English Language Centre for their achievements and positive attitude towards learning English.
The Department of Information Systems organised a Thank-the-Sponsors Sharing Ceremony for the Integrated Student Development Programme on 24 October during which students talked about their exchange and internship experiences.
CityU held the A+++ Scholarship Schemes Presentation Ceremony on 24 October and awarded scholarships to 44 first-year students who had registered outstanding academic and sporting achievements.
The School of Law at CityU holds the “International Conference on Terrorism, Human Security and Development: Human Rights Perspective” from 16 October to 17 October.

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