
Showing 1 to 10 of 17 results
	Sparsity: The beauty of less is more
Improving image quality using the mathematical concepts behind sparsity was the topic in the talk by Professor Raymond Chan Hon-fu of the Department of Mathematics for the President’s Lecture Series on 16 April.
 Targeted genetic analysis helps dissect disease inheritance
An international research team co-led by CityU has developed a high-throughput biological assay technique that provides valuable data for finding type-2 diabetes key biomarkers for diagnostics and treatment.
Producing efficient LEDs based on 2D perovskite material breakthrough
A research co-led by CityU has worked on 2D perovskite materials with a simple organic molecule and succeeded to realise highly efficient and bright green LEDs.
Tackling air pollution with new approaches
New methods for reducing air pollution and generating solar fuels developed by scientists at CityU offer practical solutions to the energy shortage, environmental issues, and related public health risks.
Electrical engineering talent shines in I&T sector
Talented EE graduates and students have showcased their capabilities in competitions for the innovation and technology sector.
Eminent international legal experts gathered at CityU for the inaugural meeting of School of Law’s International Advisory Board and a roundtable discussion on “Globalization and legal education” on 31 August.
CityU will confer honorary doctoral degrees on Dr Chan Sui-kau, Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Ms Elizabeth Wang Ming-chun and Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung in recognition of their significant contribution to education, learning and the well-being of society.
CityU held the welcoming ceremony for new students on 24 August (and from 28 August to 30 August) under the theme “Change begins in CityU - From student to professional”.
Dr Chow Yei-ching, Founder and Chairman of the Chevalier Group, shared his thoughts with postgraduate students, alumni and staff on education and careers at “A Dialogue with Dr Chow Yei Ching cum Thanksgiving Party” on 24 August.
The School of Law has formed an International Advisory Board comprising renowned professors from Harvard, Yale and Oxford universities and experienced legal practitioners in order to further enhance teaching and research at the School.

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