
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 results
The Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics organised an International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of World Civilisations, providing an opportunity for top scholars to exchange views on the study of the topic.
An academician conference featuring some of the best brains in the world was held at CityU today to unravel the secrets of how the brain learns and remembers.
Professor Kuo addressed the Beijing-Hong Kong University Presidents' Forum on 13 June, outlining strategies for better academic cooperation in science and technology so as to initiate a regional mechanism for further globalisation in higher education.
After three consecutive annual rises, workplace confidence in Hong Kong has fallen below 2005 levels according to a survey conducted by the Department of Management.
MERIT, led by CityU, has been awarded HK$23.6 million funding from the UGC’s Areas of Excellence Scheme, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to the research and management of the marine environment in Hong Kong and worldwide.
The International Conference on Social Work and Counselling Practice got underway at CityU on 2 June. Organised by the Department of Applied Social Studies, the conference focuses on promoting harmony and justice in a world riven by various forms of conflict.
Some 288 library professionals from Hong Kong, the mainland, Taiwan, Japan and the US gathered at CityU’s Wei Hing Theratre, 30 November and 1 December, to attend the 5th Hong Kong Innovative Users Group (HKIUG) meeting, hosted by the Run Run Shaw Library.
Professor Zhu Qingshi, President of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), talked about Chinese traditional culture and the advancement of science in a lecture titled “Dialogue between Technology and Culture in Everyday life", 19 November, organized by the Chinese Civilisation Centre to celebrate CityU's 20th anniversary.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance. e.Energy Technology Ltd and Plasma Technology Ltd were awarded at the presentation ceremony of the 2004 Hong Kong Awards for Industry, 15 November.
President and Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court of the PRC and CityU Honorary Doctor of Laws, Dr Xiao Yang shared his insights on the judiciary system and its reform in China in the Wei Hing Theatre, 12 November, 2004.

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