
Showing 11 to 20 of 29 results
Members of the Court were briefed on the latest developments at CityU on 7 December.
Professor Luk Kwai-man, Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at CityU, has been conferred the prestigious IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award.
CityU Exhibition Gallery is featuring one of the most enduring Chinese martial art systems, Lingnan Hung Kuen, along with innovative new media technology and 3D visualisation at a new exhibition on campus.
Four film directors were invited to a talk on 30 November where they shared their experiences in directing.
The 5th “Discovery & Innovation Debating Challenge” enabled secondary school students to sharpen debating skills and taste innovative learning at CityU.
Just one week before their charity walk across the 100-km MacLehose Trail, the Proud of 20 team pledged at this year's CityU Banquet, 29 October,to make the University proud and appealed for more staff and students to help the group set a record for CityU.
Thirty-seven new members took an oath at the 6th Anniversary of the Service Learning Initiative (SLI) on 28 October to show their determination and commitment.
The CityU Gallery presents 56 Ming and Qing Dynasty artworks from the Shen Zhen Museum, from now to 15 December, 2004.
The Library presents a Memorabilia Exhibition to mark the University's 20th anniversary, from now through December 2004.
CityU’s Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHS), Dr Joshua Mok, will lead the newly established Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at Bristol University, in January 2005, and embark on a new trilateral partnership among UK, the mainland and Hong Kong.

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