
Showing 21 to 30 of 32 results
The CityU Gallery presents 56 Ming and Qing Dynasty artworks from the Shen Zhen Museum, from now to 15 December, 2004.
The Library presents a Memorabilia Exhibition to mark the University's 20th anniversary, from now through December 2004.
CityU’s Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (FHS), Dr Joshua Mok, will lead the newly established Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at Bristol University, in January 2005, and embark on a new trilateral partnership among UK, the mainland and Hong Kong.
An eight-member delegation led by Professor Han Qide, Vice-Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, visited CityU, 19 October, 2004.
Professor Xu Jialu, Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, delivered a Distinguished Lecture titled “Zen, an exemplar of the compatibility of China and foreign cultures” at the Wei Hing Theatre, 18 October, 2004.
The Vice-Chairman of the 10th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress and renowned linguist, Professor Xu Jialu, will be on campus to host a distinguished lecture on Zen, 18 October, 2004.
In the Chinese Civilisation Centre’s Audio-Visual Room on 7 October,CityU President,Professor H K Chang shared his insights on "Islam in China" with an audience of more than 100. Muslims and non-Muslims, students and academics,were attracted to his speech.
CityU's Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies held an international conference on pre-modern Asian and European law court cultures, 8-10 October.
As part of an ongoing Research Seminar Series, on 11 October 2004, Dr Betty Lee, of CityU's Department of English and Communication, shared her research findings on: "Hong Kong Consumers' Evaluation Process of Organizational Crisis".
Olympic medalists Mr Li Ching and Mr Ko Lai-chak, together with their coach Mr Chan Kong-wah, shared their success with CityU staff and students, 9 October, 2004.

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