
Showing 21 to 30 of 33 results
The "Writing Machine Collective" from 17 July to 7 August 2004 in 1a Space, Cattle Depot Artist Village, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, showcases the works of new media artists from CityU's School of Creative Media.
In a workshop organized by the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management, 20 to 22 July 2004, 38 secondary school participants learned the basics of mechatronic engineering and constructed miniature vehicles. Some outstanding works won the participating teams honors and prizes during a competition held on the last day of the workshop.
The City University of Hong Kong Press exhibits 65 titles at the 15th annual Hong Kong Book Fair, 21-26 July 2004. Three of these were selected by book critics as among this year's "40 Good Books," and four are hot-off-the-press.
C Raj Kumar, Lecturer in the School of Law, has completed his reasearch project entitled "Corruption and Human Rights -- Promoting Transparency in Governance in Hong Kong, Japan and India".
The new, user-friendly campus map is a convenient tool to help visitors find their way to CityU, or search for a specific location / building / facility at the University.
CityU's Language Information Sciences Research Centre and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences apply advanced information technology to produce a new Language Atlas of China that displays and explains the complex distribution of languages and dialects inside and outside China.
Calligraphy by masters of the China Academy of Art is on display at the CityU Gallery until 29 August 2004.
CityU scores first place in the number and level of grant awards in the “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”and “Mathematics”disciplines in the 2004-05 Competitive Earmarked Research Grants exercise.
PhD student Mr Mei Yongfeng has won the 2004 Young Scientist Award from the European Materials Research Society in recognition of his outstanding research in microelectronics technology.
After nearly a year of preparation, City University of Hong Kong will enter into an Academic Exchange Agreement with the Beijing Film Academy and the School of Cinema-Television of University of Southern California, 5 July. Following this first trilateral partnership, it is believed that more alliances in various disciplines are on the way.

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