
Showing 21 to 26 of 26 results
Will the new salary scales and pay-raise system be an effective way to tackle the University's budget deficit? Is the pay-raise mechanism acceptable to existing staff? These were some of the questions raised by the more than 100 staff members who attended the open forum on these issues. The forum, held 14 April, was organized by the Human Resources Office.
What's going on between CityU and PolyU? News reports yesterday almost invariably pointed to one final destination, rather than the process. In order to find out more about the ties developing between the two institutions, and to let staff and students understand more of the background, CityU NewsCentre talked with Professor H K Chang this morning.
Student residents respond to the University's call for donations. In early April 2004, students launched a hostel-wide fundraising campaign to rally support for the cause.
Four final-year students of the School of Creative Media (SCM) produced a three-minute trailer for “Le French May” this year. With appreciation from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong, Mr Julian Lee, SCM Assistant Professor and the project supervisor, takes pride in the expert output. He confidently assures people in the creative media industry that CityU students are capable of producing innovative and professional work.
Ms Christine To, final year student of the School of Creative Media (SCM), is to demonstrate her scriptwriting talents with the debut of her first commercial screening Jianghu in Hong Kong cinemas next month.
Today we bid farewell to an old friend, and welcome a new one. The three-year-old CityU Today website, a source of information and stories about CityU, has retired. In its place comes the new and improved CityU NewsCentre, which is committed to reporting “the University's latest and greatest."

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