
Showing 11 to 20 of 22 results
The CityU book Chinese Civilisation: a source book has been published on the mainland this month in simplified Chinese characters, opening another door for more young people to appreciate the treasures of Chinese culture.
CityU Gallery is showcasing the experimental and conceptual work of Mr Luke Ching and Mr Tozer Pak at an exhibition from 11 January entitled "Two or Three Things About Hong Kong, Part Two: hk‧cityu‧hk".
Members of the Shamshuipo District Council were invited to CityU to find out more about campus development, academic programmes and our excellence in applied research .
Marketing students from CityU were honoured at an awards presentation ceremony today (11 January) for the quality of the marketing consultancy projects that they conducted for local and multinational corporations.
CityU hosts the second City Literary Awards to promote creative writing in Hong Kong and Macau. The Awards are now open for entries.
CityU PhD graduate 2006 Dr Wong Hang has won the Top Prize in the student category in the Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2006 with his paper "Unidirectional Antenna Composed of a Planar Dipole and a Shorted Patch".
Steven J Ross/AOL Time Warner Professor and Dean Elizabeth Daley, and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs, Dr Richard Jewell of the University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television (USC) were hosted by CityU, 12 to 17 September.
Dear Colleagues, The start of a new semester warrants some forward planning. Let me briefly lay out for you what I perceive to be the major issues facing the University in the next few months. All these issues require priority attention from my senior colleagues and me, with your understanding and support.
On the morning of 3 September, in the Multi-media Conference Room, CityU President, Professor H K Chang, Mr James Ng, Director of the Office of CityU Extension, and other staff members welcomed a team of special guests - Delegation from the People¡¦s Municipal Government of Harbin.
Over 1,000 alumni, their families, students and staff attended the Chan Tai Ho Multi-purpose Hall for Caring Night on 1 September. More than a homecoming gathering, the event marked the launch of two initiatives-the Alumni Ambassadors Scheme and Alumni Giving Club -- to realize the twin goals of "Caring by serving." and "Caring by Giving".

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