
Showing 1 to 10 of 20 results
Innovative CityU-Learning system tackles coronavirus challenge
CityU has taken the lead in introducing the CityU-Learning system in view of the serious challenges posed by the coronavirus epidemic.
CityU’s College of Business ranked 1st
The College of Business at CityU has been ranked 27th in the world and top in the Asia-Pacific Region according to the newly released UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings 2019.
Aerosol droplets from toilet flushing can rise up to one metre
According to a CityU study, toilet users’ health can be affected by pathogens embedded in airborne aerosol droplets that may rise as high as one metre from the toilet seat during flushing and spread in the air.
empathy project
An online achievement exhibition launched in January displayed the works and accomplishment of the “Jockey Club Enhancing Youth Empathy Project through Immersive Visualisation”, organised by CityU and funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Staff party celebrates Year of Rat
Goodbye Pig, welcome Rat as CityU celebrated the start of the Chinese New Year at a campus party organised by the Human Resources Office on 4 February.
A new addition to the City University of Hong Kong Press—Building Design and Development in Hong Kong—was launched at CityU on 29 January.
Has CityU made up its mind on how to deal with the looming crisis of the budget crunch, in the face of cutbacks in government funding? Is delinking our salaries from those of the civil service, with a consequential cut in our paychecks, already on the cards? If you have paid attention to what our President, Professor H K Chang, has said to the newspapers over the past few days, the answers seem to have been set in stone.
"Life is the most precious gift we ever have, the problem is¡K we don't realize it until we are about to lose it!" said Katherine Leung on a bed at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Katherine, 26, a CityU graduate, now fighting against a deadly blood cancer, is waiting for a bone marrow transplant. If you wish to render your support, drop by the i-Cafe at the Academic Building today and tomorrow and donate several drops of your blood. You may be the one to bring Katherine a new life.
Mutual understanding is essential to promote economic cooperation between countries and to resolve trade disputes in a globalized economy. Building up bilateral rapport between member states is a fundamental working principle of WTO. In this context, CityU's School of Law received a rare guest from high office and a WTO diplomat.
In the face of likely dwindling public funding support over the next few years, City University has to find ingenious ways to generate extra income to help focused on its vision and mission. This responsibility has now largely fallen on the shoulders of Mr James Ng, Executive Director of CityU Extension (CTEX).

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