
Showing 1 to 10 of 53 results
Seven groups of students from the Department of Marketing were praised by a number of local and multinational companies for their outstanding performance at the Marketing Consultancy Project Award Presentation Ceremony on 30 May.
CityU Gallery will present 30 contemporary Chinese calligraphy masterpieces by the internationally renowned artist David Chan from 30 May 2008 to 27 June 2008.
CityU is introducing the Long Term Loan Scheme (LLS), allowing all eligible students to borrow a notebook computer for a maximum period of two-and-a-half years.
Five academic staff members have received Teaching Excellence Awards 2007-08 in recognition of their contribution to promoting quality education.
The Faculty of Science and Engineering organised the Student Project Exhibition from 26 May to 27 May to showcase the creativity of its undergraduate students. A total of 78 creative projects that addressed everyday needs were on display.
Investing in the future, retaining and recruiting elite talent, empowering staff to perform in research and teaching and holding them accountable... Professor Kuo outlines his vision for CityU
The Fifth Outstanding Academic Papers by Students Task Force Meeting was held in May in Beijing. CityU, alongside the other seven partner institutions, reviewed the progress of the development of OAPS and formulated development strategies.
Mr Zhang Xian-en, Director General of the Department of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, led a five-member delegation to visit the world class technologies of MERIT and the Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory at CityU on 23 May.
Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, delivered his debut talk at City Cultural Salon on 22 May. He shared his professional interpretations with guests on the topic "Reliability Since Time Immemorial".
The CityU community has initiated various campaigns to help the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. Teachers and students in the Department of Applied Social Studies have formed a concern group and plan to provide counselling service for the survivors.

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