Implementation of a Mandatory Requirement for Research Degree Students - ORCID Creation and Integration Exercise

Research output is one of researchers' achievements. During your research study, you will have opportunities to publish your works and research output. To enable students and the University to harvest and keep track of their publications accurately, the University has made it mandatory that all research students create or report their ORCID iD (which is a unique identifier when submitting publications) through CityU Scholars by participating in the ORCID Creation and Integration Exercise.

Expected Completion Time

Please complete part 1 of ORCID Creation and Integration Exercise within one month after commencement of your study at CityU and part 2 once you have obtained a Scopus Author ID (if any).

Instructions on ORCID Creation and Integration Exercise

  1. Part 1 – Creating/Reporting your ORCID iD [Benefits of doing so]
  2. Part 2 - Integrating ORCID iD with Scopus Author ID (if any)
    • Check if you have a Scopus Author ID and learn about it – User Guide
    • Complete Part 2 if you have a Scopus Author ID – User Guide

Updating Your Public Profile in CityU Scholars

A public researcher profile will be created for each individual research student in CityU Scholars. Your user account will be ready to use after commencement of studies. To access to your profile and see how it looks like, please go to CityU Scholars to search for it with your name. You are encouraged to update and enhance your profile with reference to the user guide.


Please contact the following parties if you have any queries: