Withdrawal from Studies

Students who do not plan to continue their studies at the University should submit a withdrawal notification via AIMS.

According to the Academic Regulations for Master's Degrees, if a student is readmitted to the same programme after withdrawal of studies (but has not exceeded the maximum period of study), his/her previous period of study should be counted in the calculation of the student's maximum period of study.

Where a programme is designed to enable students to gain an intermediate award, students who meet the requirements for the intermediate award and who withdraw from the full programme may indicate their wish to apply for the relevant intermediate award upon submitting the withdrawal notification.

How to Submit

  1. Login to the AIMS with your EID and password.
  2. Select the Student Record menu.
  3. Click My Applications [for Undergraduate and Master's (Taught Postgraduate) Programmes] then Withdrawal from Studies.
  4. Fill in the form and confirm your withdrawal.
  5. Print out a copy of the Confirmation Page for your record.
  6. An email will be sent to you to acknowledge receipt of your withdrawal notification.

Effecting the Withdrawal

Withdrawal will normally take effect from the date of submission of the notification as recorded in AIMS. However, notification submitted during or after the examination period will take effect only from the following semester.

Fees Chargeable

Students are not liable for the tuition fee of the semester/term if the withdrawal notification is submitted before the end of Week 2.

If the notification of withdrawal is submitted from Week 3 till the end of Week 6# in Semester A/B (or the end of Week 3# in Summer Term), the student will be required to pay 50% of the tuition fee for that semester/term or the minimum tuition of two credit units (for programmes charged on a per credit unit basis), whichever is higher.

If the notification of withdrawal is submitted in Week 7# and afterwards in Semester A/B (or Week 4# and afterwards in Summer Term), the student will be liable for 100% of the tuition fee for that semester/term or the minimum tuition of two credit units (for programmes charged on a per credit unit basis), whichever is higher.

# Sunday is the first day of the week. Click here for the Academic Calendar.

For new students, the acceptance fee paid at the time of admission will not be refunded under any circumstances.

Students studying in programmes that do not follow the University Academic Calendar should follow the timelines and regulations specified by the respective programmes.

Click here to read the Regulations on Tuition Fees in detail.

Settling Matters with the University upon Withdrawal

Students are required to settle the following matters within 10 working days upon notification of withdrawal:

  • Settle all outstanding fees in the student account
  • Return all outstanding loans to the Library and settle all outstanding fines
  • Clear your accounts in the Computing Services Centre
  • Vacate your locker and complete the necessary procedures with the Student Development Services
  • Clear all outstanding matters with your Academic Unit
  • Cut your student identity card into halves and return it by post to SGS (Address: 4/F Fong Yun-wah Building, Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

The graduation fee will be refunded if students have settled all outstanding matters with the University.

Unpaid Tuition Fees

Students who have withdrawn from studies but still have outstanding fees in their student accounts will be flagged in the student records system as debtors.  The graduation fee will not be refunded.  These students will be required to clear the amount when seeking admission/re-admission to the University in the future.

Informing the Student Financial Assistance Agency

If you are an applicant of the Local Student Finance Scheme and/or Non-means-tested Loan Scheme in the current academic year, you should notify the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) of your withdrawal from studies immediately in writing. The SFAA will review your application and adjust your entitlements of financial assistance, if necessary. In the event that there is overpayment of financial assistance, you are required to refund the amount overpaid immediately upon demand.

Informing the Immigration Department

If you are a non-local student visa holder, you are required to leave Hong Kong within 4 weeks from the submission date of the withdrawal notification or the date of visa expiry, whichever is earlier. The University will withdraw your visa sponsorship and report your change of status to the Immigration Department of HKSAR.