Web Registration

Registration Time Tickets

  • Web performance is a universal concern for all web-based systems. The allocation of registration time tickets is one of the measures taken to control web activity to safeguard users' web response time.
  • Registration time tickets are assigned to space out students so that they will not be logging in at the same time for web registration. The time ticket governs the start date and time from which each student can begin to use AIMS for web registration. Students with no time ticket assigned are not allowed to add/drop courses via the web.
  • Time tickets are assigned based on students' enrolled programme (mode of study, type of degree and cohort). Senior students are assigned earlier time tickets for web registration. However, students of the same group may be assigned randomly different start times to add/drop courses via the web for network traffic management.
  • No ticket will be assigned to Elder Academy / Mainland campus / outbound exchange / outbound joint programme / visiting students.

For Semester A 2024/25, each student will be assigned two time-tickets as follows:

1st Period (for all courses except Physical Education courses)

Date & Time

Date & Time

Student Group


27 Aug 2024


29 Aug 2024


Research, Professional Doctorate & Master's

2023 & before

27 Aug 2024



2nd Period (for all courses including Physical Education courses)

Date & Time

Date & Time

Student Group


29 Aug 2024


9 Sep 2024


Research, Professional Doctorate & Master's

2023 & before

29 Aug 2024



Check Your Time Ticket

  • Time tickets assigned for Semester A 2024/25 will be available for checking from 13 August 2024.
  • To check your registration time ticket, go to AIMS. Select "Course Registration", "Main Menu for Web Add/Drop" and then "Registration Status and Time Ticket".
  • Web registration is NOT applicable to visiting, Mainland campus, outbound exchange, outbound collaboration programme and Elder Academy students.

Checking Web-enabled Courses

  • Non-credit-bearing optional language courses offered by the School of Continuing and Professional Education, physical education courses offered by the Student Development Services and some required courses and programme electives can be registered or dropped via the web.
  • All courses with course sections which can be registered on the web are marked WEB = Y in the Master Class Schedule. Please check if there are any registration restrictions for the course, e.g. it can only be taken by students of a particular level or programme. Make sure you fulfill the prerequisite/precursor requirement before registering for the course.
  • Refer to the Course Information section of the Programmes and Courses website for the full list of prerequisites and precursors prescribed for the course as well as the course aims, syllabus, and teaching pattern before deciding whether to register for the course.
  • In the event of insufficient enrolment for any course, the University reserves the right to cancel a particular course or combine different course sections within the first week of the semester. Students will be notified by email of any course cancellation.

Steps for Web Add/Drops

Getting Started

  1. Login to AIMS with your EID and password.
  2. Select the Course Registration menu.
  3. Under "Registration Self-Service - Banner 8", click Main Menu for Web Add/Drop.
  4. Click Select Term, choose the appropriate term and press Submit.
  5. Click Add or Drop Classes and you will find your pre-registered course sections under Current Schedule.

Adding a Course

  1. Input the CRNs (obtainable from the Master Class Schedule) in the provided space. Make sure you have included all required course sections for courses with multiple components, e.g., lectures (C) + tutorials (T) + laboratories (L).
  2. Click "Submit Changes".
  3. Course sections successfully registered will be shown under "Current Schedule".

Dropping a Course

  1. To drop a course section, select "Web drop" from the "Action" drop-down list in "Current Schedule". To drop a course with multiple components, all its course sections must be dropped at the same time.
  2. Click "Submit Changes".

Registration Errors

  1. If the add/drop request is unsuccessful, a table with the heading "Registration Add Errors" (for add course request) or "Registration Update Errors" (for drop course request) will appear below "Current Schedule".
  2. Read the error messages and rectify the problems. Refer to the Registration Error Messages section of this website for explanations of the error messages.
  3. To start again, click the "Submit Changes" button.

Web Registration Demo

To view a demonstration of the screens for web registration, click HERE.


How Waitlisting Works

  • Waitlisting is available for all courses from 27 August 2024, 6:00 pm in Semester A 2024/25.
  • For all master's courses (first digit of the course code being 5 or 6), 20% of the total quota of a course will be added as waitlist quota. Students cannot add themselves to waitlists when they are full.
  • All waitlists will be cleared after 9 September 2024, 11:30 pm.
  • Students can add themselves to waitlists for course sections which are full. When seats are available after other students drop the course sections, the system will register students into the course sections according to the student's position on the waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. The system will also check whether the course sections to be added comply with the registration rules (e.g. student's maximum study load permitted) and will reject individual students on the waitlist if adding the course sections breaks any rules. Students will then be notified by email of the results.
  • The last waitlist process will take place after the end of the add/drop period. After that, all waitlists will be cleared. If students no longer want to be registered into any waitlisted course sections, they should drop themselves from the waitlists before the add/drop period ends.
  • Students can check whether waitlisting is available for a course from the Master Class Schedule under the "Waitlist Avail" column:
    'Y' -- Waitlist available
    'N' -- Waitlist not available
    'FULL' -- Waitlist full
  • If a student drops a course section with students on waitlist, he/she will not be able to re-enrol into the section and can only add himself/herself to its waitlist. Students therefore cannot swap sections of the same course or classes with other students if the concerned course sections have students on waitlist.
  • Waitlisting does not mean the students are registered in the course sections and does not guarantee a seat. Students should check their positions regularly on the waitlist. If their position on the waitlist remains unchanged, they should find an alternative course to register in.
  • Registration rules such as time-conflict and linked sections (e.g. lecture + tutorial) apply to the waitlisting arrangement. Students cannot add themselves to a waitlist if they fail to comply with any rules.
  • Students cannot add themselves to waitlists for courses that they have already registered in.
  • Students cannot add themselves in more than one section or one group of linked sections of the same course.

Steps for Using Waitlisting

Getting Started

  1. Login to AIMS with your EID and password.
  2. Select the Course Registration menu.
  3. Under "Registration Self-Service - Banner 8", click Main Menu for Web Add/Drop.
  4. Click Select Term, choose the appropriate term and press Submit.
  5. Click Add or Drop Classes.
  6. Input the CRNs under the heading Add Classes Worksheet and click Submit Changes.

Add to Waitlist

  1. When you attempt to register for a course section that is full and has a waitlist, you will receive a message which indicates whether you can add yourself to the waitlist:
    Example Option Allowed
    Closed - 1 Waitlisted One student is already on the waitlist. You can add yourself to the waitlist.
    Closed - Waitlist Full Waitlist is full. You cannot add yourself to the waitlist.
  2. Select "Waitlist" from the "Action" drop-down box and click "Submit Changes".
  3. If you do not want to add yourself to the waitlist, select None and click Submit Changes.
  4. Course sections successfully waitlisted will be shown under Current Schedule.
  5. After completing the waitlisting, click My Detail Schedule to double-check your waitlisted course section and your position on the waitlist under Waitlist Position.

Drop from Waitlist

  1. To drop a waitlisted course section, select Web Drop from the Action drop-down box in your Current Schedule and click Submit Changes.

Waitlisting Demo

To view a demonstration of the screens for waitlisting in AIMS, click HERE.

Do's and Don'ts in Web Registration

  • A course may consist of one or a number of components. For example, if a course includes lecture, tutorial and laboratory, these components are denoted by letters C, T, and L respectively in the course section number. Check the components of the course and register for all course sections at the same time. Otherwise, a LINK ERROR message will appear. Re-submit the request by adding the missing course sections.
  • In most cases, a CA1 lecture has to match with a TA1 or TA2 tutorial. DON'T choose CA1 and TB1, as it will generate a LINK ERROR.
  • DON'T try to register several courses in one process to avoid confusion when reading the registration error messages prompted by the system. Add one course at a time (but include all course sections) for each request.
  • If you want to change the tutorial section for a course, you must first check if there are places available in that course section. Then drop the old course section and add the new course section at the same time before you press Submit in the Add or Drop Classes menu. If the capacity of the new course section is almost full, you are advised not to attempt to swap because other students may be competing for the few remaining seats at the same time and there is a possibility that you will lose your seat in the original course section while not being able to enrol in the new one.

Rules on the Use of the Course Registration System

  • Students are not permitted to use any method to attempt to gain an unfair advantage during online course registration, including any intentional attempt to add a course section that is known to be closed.
  • Web activity will be continuously monitored during the add/drop period to safeguard the web performance. Students who misuse the course registration system will be barred from further usage of online add/drop of courses for the whole semester. Other appropriate disciplinary actions may also be taken against the students concerned.

Registration Error Messages


Students can normally register courses offered by the campus in which they are enrolled. This message will be displayed when students attempt to register for the course with wrong campus.

Campus restriction is displayed under Campus of the Master Class Schedule. The restriction is as follows:

Campus Courses Restricted to Students in
Main Campus College/Schools/Departments/Division of Building Science & Technology


If a student types the CRN of a course section directly in the Web Add/Drop Classes form and the section capacity is already full, this message will be displayed.


Some courses may restrict web registration to a specified cohort only. This message will be displayed when students of other cohorts attempt to register in the course.


Some courses may restrict web registration to a specified college only. This message will be displayed when students of other colleges attempt to register for the course.


Some courses may restrict web registration to a specified degree only. This message will be displayed when students of other degrees attempt to register for the course.


If the lecture/tutorial sections of a course have been registered and the student adds another lecture/tutorial section of the same course, this message will appear. If the intention is to change group section, drop the original lecture/tutorial group section when adding the new section.


Exclusive courses are those where there is sufficient overlap in their content to make it inappropriate for students to earn credits for more than one of the courses. Students are restricted from registration in a course when they have earned credit units for an exclusive course.


Some courses may restrict web registration to a specified stream only. This message will be displayed when students of other streams attempt to register for the course.


All programmes and courses are classified into five levels:

  • A: Associate Degree
  • B: Bachelor's Degree
  • P: PGC, PGD and Master's Degree
  • D: Professional Doctorate
  • R: Research Degree

The Master Class Schedule shows the eligible student level for taking a particular course. Students who try to register at an inappropriate level will trigger the LEVEL RESTRICTION error message.


Some courses comprise more than one activity, e.g. lecture + tutorial + laboratory. A LINK ERROR is when the student does not register for all the required activities.


Maximum academic load is prescribed for individual programmes or for individual students. This message will be displayed when a student's academic load exceeds the maximum load.


Some courses may restrict web registration to students holding the necessary prerequisites. This message will be displayed when students who have not satisfied the prerequisite/precursor/test score requirements attempt to register for the course.


Some courses may restrict web registration to some specified study programmes only. This message will be displayed when students of other programmes attempt to register for the course.


Adding a course section that has time conflict with the student's existing schedule.