Academic Staff

MNE Faculty

Prof. PAN, Chin

Head and CLP Power Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Phone: (+852) 3442-8407
Office: YEUNG-P6312

Prof. LI, K.Y., Lawrence

Associate Head and Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-8406
Office: YEUNG-Y6713

Prof. HIBIKI, Takashi

Chair Professor of Thermal-Fluid Engineering

Global STEM Professor, Hong Kong SAR
Director of JC STEM Lab of Innovative Thermo-Fluid Science

Phone: +852 3442-8392
Office: YEUNG-P5622

Prof. KAI, Ji-Jung

Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Phone: (+852) 3442-8071
Office: YEUNG-P6314

Prof. LEE, Duu-Jong

Chair Professor of Thermofluids and Smart Manufacturing

Phone: (+852) 3442-9558
Office: YEUNG-P6619

Prof. LI, Wen Jung

Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy)

Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Phone: (+852) 3442-9266
Office: YEUNG-P6320

Prof. LU, Jian

Dean (College of Engineering)

Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (+852) 3442-9653
Office: YEUNG-P7701

Prof. KUO, Way

Senior Fellow of Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study, Emeritus President and University Distinguished Professor


Phone: (+852) 3442-2430
Office: AEB-007

Prof. YANG, Yong

Chair of Research Education Committee and Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9394
Office: YEUNG-P6412

Prof. DAOUD, Walid


Phone: (+852) 3442-4499
Office: YEUNG-P7713

Phone: (+852) 3442-9554
Office: YEUNG-G7418

Prof. ZHANG, Kaili


Phone: (+852) 3442-7845
Office: YEUNG-P6418

Prof. ZHAO, Jiyun


Phone: (+852) 3442-9395
Office: YEUNG-B6611

Prof. HU, Alice

Associate Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9469
Office: YEUNG-P6419

Prof. MA, Weiyin

Associate Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9548
Office: YEUNG-Y6707

Prof. NIU, Xinrui

Associate Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-8432
Office: YEUNG-P6420

Prof. WANG, Steven

Associate Vice President (Resources Planning)

Associate Professor

Phone: (+852)3442-9527
Office: YEUNG-Y6613

Prof. ZHANG, Peng

Associate Professor

Phone: 3442-9561
Office: YEUNG-B6613

Prof. ZHAO, Shijun

Associate Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9013
Office: YEUNG-Y7309

Prof. DUAN, Penghao

Assistant Professor

Phone: 3442-9519
Office: YEUNG-Y7308

Prof. JIN, Lishuai

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442 9414
Office: YEUNG-Y7305

Prof. LI, Weihong

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9601
Office: YEUNG-Y7312

Prof. LIU, Ning

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852)3442-7565
Office: YEUNG-Y7704

Prof. SUN Yuxiang

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-4775
Office: YEUNG-Y6718

Prof. WANG, Bin

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-4077
Office: YEUNG-Y6617

Prof. WANG, Wei

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9504
Office: YEUNG-B6621

Prof. WANG Lu

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-9464
Office: YUENG-P6431

Prof. YIN Peng

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-2759
Office: YEUNG-P6435

Prof. ZHANG Jiong, John

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852)3442-7345
Office: YEUNG-P6524

Prof. ZHU, Pingan

Assistant Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-2316
Office: YEUNG-B6617

Prof. LI, You Fu

Visiting Professor

Phone: (+852) 3442-8410
Office: YEUNG-Y6610

Prof. HSUEH Yu-Chun

Visiting Assistant Professor


Joint Faculty

Prof. ZHU, Yuntian

Chair Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: (+852) 3442-2457
Office: YEUNG-P7717

Prof. WANG Jianping

Chair Professor

Department of Computer Science
Phone: (+852) 34427737
Office: CYC-6223

Prof. LIU, Lu


Department of Biomedical Engineering
Phone: +852 3442-5426
Office: YEUNG-Y6612

Prof. SHEK, C.H.


Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: (+852) 3442-7798
Office: YEUNG-G6720


Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Phone: 3442-9550
Office: YEUNG-Y6615

Prof. FAN, Jun

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: (+852) 3442-9978
Office: YEUNG-P6712

Prof. LI, Lishuai

Associate Professor

School of Data Science
Phone: (+852) 3442-4726
Office: YEUNG-Y6618

Prof. LI, Yangyang

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: (+852) 3442-7810
Office: YEUNG-G6705

Prof. LI, Lishuai

Associate Professor

School of Data Science
Phone: (+852) 3442-4726
Office: YEUNG-Y6618

Prof. YANG, Tao

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: +(852) 3442-4631
Office: BOC-R7136

Affliate Faculty

Prof. JEN, K. Y. Alex

Lee Shau-Kee Chair Professor (Materials Science)

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: (+852) 3442-8080
Office: MMW-6418

Prof. LEUNG, K. H. Michael

Associate Provost (Academic Affairs)
Chair Professor (Renewable Energy)

School of Energy and Environment
Phone: (+852) 3442-4626
Office: YEUNG-B5430