Re: Speculation in the media about Ted Hui speaking at School of Law public lecture, City University of Hong Kong


To be absolutely clear, the School of Law at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) never invited Ted Hui to be a speaker at a public lecture held on 7 April 2022.

At the invitation of the School of Law at CityU, Dr Rimsky Yuen, GBM, SC, JP, was invited to be the sole speaker at a public lecture delivered online via Zoom on 7 April 2022 captioned “Common Law in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future”. A copy of the brochure promoting the lecture with registration details for members of the public is appended.

Hui was among 470 persons who registered to attend the lecture. During the question and answer session, Hui interjected although he had not been invited to speak, even after one of the co-moderators asked him to wait. This continued even after Dr Yuen addressed Hui’s question. As Hui’s conduct was disruptive, the event administrator attempted to mute Hui but he continued to unmute himself. As such, Hui was eventually evicted from the lecture to allow Dr Yuen to address other questions that had been put to him.

Media enquiries: Helen Mok, Communications and Public Relations Office (Tel: 3442 6827 or 9859 3321)


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