Cornell University and CityU deepen academic alliance


​The Provost of Cornell University, Professor Kent Fuchs, and the Dean of its College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr Michael Kotlikoff, were in Hong Kong recently to further advance implementation of an extended, long-term strategic agreement between Cornell University and City University of Hong Kong (CityU), and to meet with an international expert panel established by the Hong Kong government to review the two universities’ plans to establish a world-class School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM).
The visit marked a significant step forward in the construction of a long-term alliance for CityU with the Ivy League university to build a world-class SVM in Asia, providing a centre of excellence for animal health and expanding educational opportunities for Hong Kong students.
Cornell and CityU agreed to elevate their partnership, seeking to establish a dual degree programme in which students would receive both Cornell and CityU veterinary degrees.   
Professor Way Kuo, President of CityU, said the collaboration with Cornell University is fully aligned with CityU’s academic mission in professional education. The new SVM will nurture talents under the “One Health” paradigm to support sustainable development.
“This will be a significant advancement in realising Hong Kong’s vision to develop as a leading education and research hub in Asia,” Professor Kuo said.
“There is currently no internationally accredited SVM in Asia. The partnership will create an opportunity to build a world-class center of excellence in the region, providing vital support to areas such as aquaculture, food safety, animal welfare, and public health,” Dr Kotlikoff said.
Media enquiries: Karen Cheng, Communications and Public Relations Office (Tel: 3442 6805 or 9201 8895)
17 July 2013


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