CityU wins energy saving award


City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has been recognised for its rigorous efforts in creating a low-carbon campus. The University was named Champion in the company category of the recent Power Smart Contest 2010 organised by Friends of the Earth (HK). The name of the award is the “Power Smart” Biggest Unit Saver Award (Company). It is the first time to have the participation by academia.

Professor Way Kuo, CityU President, said the greenhouse effect contributing to air pollution and climate change has become a pressing global issue. With a commitment to building a green campus, CityU has implemented measures such as saving water and energy and recycling and reusing materials to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

“CityU promotes socially responsible behaviour and eco-friendly practices among staff and students, and encourages the whole campus community to integrate them into their daily life and thinking,” Professor Kuo said. He added that the University will continue to improve its management of environmental protection to help build a sustainable future.

The Power Smart Contest required that the energy consumption of participants during the designated period from 15 June to 12 September 2010 (90 consecutive days) be lower than that of the corresponding period in 2009 by at least 2%. CityU stood out because its energy consumption in the designated period decreased by 4.21%, or a saving of 659,757 kWh, which equates to a reduction of 462 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

Friends of the Earth (HK) initiated its campaign in 2006 to inculcate a culture of energy saving in Hong Kong. The Power Smart Contest is aimed at encouraging the public to save energy, which is the most direct and cost effective way to reduce air pollutants such as carbon dioxide.

Photo caption

File name: CityU Energy saving 1
Mr Wong Ka-yu (2nd right), Director of Campus Development and Facilities Office, represents CityU to receive the “Power Smart” Biggest Unit Saver Award (Company), Champion Award, from Mr Edwin Lau (1st right), Director of Friends of the Earth (HK); Mr Chan Lik-sun (1st left), Acting Chief Manager / Management (Support Services 1), EMSD and Ms Katharine Choi, Principal Assistant Secretary for the Environment (Energy), Environment Bureau.

File name: CityU Energy saving 2
The Hon Leung Chun-ying, Council Chairman of CityU, said the University is actively studying ways to eliminate food waste entirely.

Media enquiries: Ellen Chan, Communications and Public Relations Office, CityU. (Tel: 3442 6808 or 9687 9841)


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