
Showing 81 to 90 of 92 results
From Beijing to Israel and back; then onwards to Hong Kong, Dr Liu Wenyin has accomplished more than most in under 40 years, and won the prestigious ICDAR Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) 2003 along the way. Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science (CS) since 2002, Dr Liu has authored or coauthored over 100 publications, has seven patents pending and reached Senior Member grade in the IEEE.
CASSOS, the Computer-Assisted Simulation System for Orthognathic Surgery, developed by CityU's Department of Computer Science (CS), was awarded a Product Silver Award at the IT Excellence awards 2002 for its advanced and innovative technology on 18 February.
CASSOS, the Computer-Assisted Simulation System for Orthognathic Surgery developed by City University's Department of Computer Science (CS), was awarded a product silver prize at the IT Excellence Awards 2002 for its advanced and innovative technology.
Art is art; technology is, well, technology. Their paths seldom cross, right? Not in the case of Body Brush, an advanced computer-aided tool pioneered by CityU's Professor Horace Ip to merge the two to produce stunning artistic results.
A "marriage of art and technology" is how Professor Horace Ip describes Body-Brush, a new tool that transforms body movements into real-time three-dimensional (3D) paintings. Professor Ip, Chair Professor of Computer Science and Head of CityU's Department of Computer Science, developed the innovative computer-based motion analysis system in collaboration with CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM) and Hong Kong artist Mr Hay Young.
In his 2001 Policy Address, Hong Kong's Chief Executive, Mr Tung Chee-hwa, announced the Logistics Hong Kong initiative, which aims to strengthen Hong Kong's status as the preferred regional and international logistics hub, linking the China's mainland with the rest of the world.
At 15 May inauguration ceremony establishing its Zhuhai Applied R&D Centres, CityU became the first local university to set up a research base at Guangdong's Southern Software Park.
One of China's most renowned painters, Wu Guanzhong, turned his body into a brush and composed a 3-D drawing using CityU's innovative Body-Brush technology on campus on 13 March.
September saw a quantum leap in CityU's IT infrastructure with the generous help from numerous industry giants: IBM, EMC, PCCW and Sun.
City University, PCCW Business eSolutions and Sun Microsystems have joined forces to research web-based 3D collaborative technologies under a University-Industry Collaboration Programme backed by the government's Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF).

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