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At an inauguration ceremony on 15 May to establish its Zhuhai Applied R&D Centres, CityU became the first local university to set up a research base in Guangdong's Southern Software Park.
CityU staff based in Festival Walk will soon have a new communication tool on their desks: an IP phone handset. In a pilot scheme scheduled to be implemented in August or September, 300 staff members will try out the new technology before the digital system is installed on the main campus.
An ambiance of culture and well-being pervaded the CityU campus throughout March and April, with the Wellness March proceeding in full gear and the Cultural Festival, with the them of "Hands Across the Water", featuring numerous performances, seminars and concerts. The atmosphere was further enhanced by a number of inter-collegiate contests, including sports, debates and recitals, held on and off campus.
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
CityU has adopted the EMC E-Infostructure, a centralized and consolidated storage system with a capacity of seven terabytes, to manage its ever-growing information demands on teaching, administration and research. The new system, which will accommodate CityU's 25,000 users, is the largest academic networked information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
For years, the thin gauze of atmosphere surrounding the earth hampered astronomers from studying the most distant stars in our cosmos. But the Hubble Space Telescope, fixed in the clarity of space, has lifted that veil. It is our outpost to the universe.

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