
Showing 11 to 20 of 41 results
Three graduates from the College of Business have turned a world’s first technology invention at CityU into a business. Their business develops chemosensors that allow for instant testing of freshness to ensure food safety.
Developing financial professionals to meet the challenges arising from rapid economic integration with the mainland was the focus of a forum at CityU on 1 November.
A CityU survey on online payment security has revealed that Hong Kong netizens have a relatively low awareness of personal information protection in the online world, potentially exposing them to hackers.
A collaborative agreement in transport, trade and finance was signed on 17 August between CityU and the HNA Group, an aviation company in mainland China, in support of the 12th Five-Year Plan.
Participants explore the role business schools play preparing students for the business world at the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools Academic Conference 2011 at CityU.
Overall consumer confidence in the first quarter of 2011 has dropped in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, according to a recent survey conducted by CityU.
China needs to develop appropriate technology and labour training, expand the higher value-added components of the manufacturing supply chain and liberalise the labour market to sustain growth, said Professor Eden Yu of College of Business.
CityU’s College of Business and the Jiangsu Office of Wen Wei Po signed an agreement to launch a senior executive training programme for mainland banking and financial professionals.
The School of Law established on 18 March the Hong Kong Centre for Maritime and Transportation Law to nurture maritime and transportation legal professionals in support of Hong Kong’s continued development as a maritime service centre.
CityU has joined hands for the first time with two influential financial institutions, in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, to offer a training programme that will nurture senior executives from the mainland’s financial and treasury management sectors.

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