
Showing 11 to 20 of 56 results
CityUCRI participates in Western China International Fair Import & Export Expo
CityUCRI participated in the 3rd Western China International Fair Import & Export Expo on 20 September, showcasing a project by ViRtech Centre.
Top HSBC executives held high level dialogues with students and alumni during a visit to City University of Hong Kong on 27 March.
CityU Employers’ Luncheon 2019 hosted by CityU on 9 April set out to foster stronger ties and collaboration with the corporate world, raise awareness among employers about CityU’s educational philosophy, and showcase our students’ outstanding inventions and achievements.
CityU won two awards in the Universum Talent 2018 Survey.
The second dialogue activity in CityU’s “Dialogue Series with Consuls General” featured Mr Jeff Nankivell, Consul General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macao.
The US Consul General in Hong Kong & Macau, Mr Kurt W. Tong, shared his insight with students and faculty at the Inaugural Dialogue of the Dialogue Series with Consuls General.
A virtual reality based training programme developed by a multi-disciplinary team led by CityU enhances the social adaption and emotional skills for school-aged children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, according to a recent study.
CityU sports teams won a record-breaking ninth Grand Slam, and the Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year, in the 2016-2017 intervarsity sports competitions organised by USFHK.
The CityU Arts Festival held something for everyone at this year’s programme.
CityU students staged the musical Fame on 9 and 10 November.

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