
Showing 11 to 20 of 58 results
 New exhibition spotlights diffusion of Buddhism along Maritime Silk Road
A new exhibition “Atlas of Maritime Buddhism” at the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of CityU turns the spotlight on how the Maritime Silk Road enabled cultural exchanges through the diffusion of Buddhism.
UK social sciences academy awards Fellowship to CityU scholar
The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at CityU, Professor Richard M. Walker, has been elected Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.
Prominent business leaders support CityU’s highly successful exhibition gallery
CityU Exhibition Gallery was named the “Indra and Harry Banga Gallery” on 5 November in appreciation of the support and generous donation made by Mr and Mrs Banga.
CityU holds Hong Kong’s 1st exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci’s original works
On the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, CityU Exhibition Gallery is pleased to present “Leonardo da Vinci: Art & Science. Then & Now” from 20 September to 15 December 2019.
‘ANiMAL’ exhibition wins Gold
The “ANiMAL: Art Science Nature Society” exhibition has won a Gold prize at the MUSE Awards.
The relationship between Art Deco and Chinese art is the theme of “Art Deco. The France-China Connection”, the latest exhibition at the CityU Exhibition Gallery from 6 March to 30 June at CityU.
CityU and the National Palace Museum NPM in Taipei are collaborating for the third time to present the “ANiMAL: Art Science Nature Society” exhibition, featuring animals from different historical eras.
Two PhD candidates at CityU have been awarded prestigious Fulbright–RGC Hong Kong Research Scholar Awards by the US government in recognition of their promising work.
The innovative ideas of students and excellence in teaching, research and knowledge transfer of faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences were honoured at the CLASS Award Day.
Six student projects were honoured for their achievements in discovery and innovation at the first College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Discovery-enriched Curriculum Competition.

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