
Showing 1 to 10 of 44 results
CityUHK research excels with funding for five projects from the RAISe+ Scheme
Five research projects from CityUHK were granted funds from the HKSAR Government’s RAISe+ Scheme. This demonstrates CityUHK’s commitment to promoting excellence in high-quality research and innovation, driving the transformation of the University’s world-class scientific research into applications, thereby creating commercial and social value.
CityU Undergraduate Info Day 2023 showcases innovative learning
CityU resumed its physical Undergraduate Info Day on 7 October this year, attracting about 20,000 visitors with nearly 200 activities for secondary school students and parents to learn about the latest programmes, admissions information, campus facilities and advanced developments.
CityU scores world-first recognition for CPA Australia’s Digital Finance subject
CityU and CPA Australia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for CPA Program exemption status for two courses offered by CityU’s Department of Information Systems in its Master’s programmes.
Four CityU students win Innovation and Technology Scholarship
Four students from CityU won the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021, receiving HK$150,000 each for activities including overseas exchange, local internship and mentorship programmes.
CityU introduces flexible admission arrangement for 2020/21
A more flexible admission arrangement will be introduced by CityU in 2020/21. It’s aimed at applicants who attain excellent overall HKDSE results but who don’t meet the admission requirements in one core subject.
Two students at CityU have been recognised by the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund for their outstanding academic performance and enthusiasm to serve society.
Two students at CityU have been recognised by the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund this year for their outstanding academic performance and enthusiasm to serve society.
Around 30,000 interested secondary school students and their parents found out more about the academic offerings at CityU during its annual Information Day on 13 October.
A new scholarship scheme set up by CityU offers talented applicants help with tuition fees and promotes diverse learning opportunities such as overseas exchanges and leadership training.
CityU is helping to promote computational thinking and coding among primary school students.
More than 30,000 visitors explored the professional education opportunities on offer during Info Day.

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