
Showing 11 to 18 of 18 results
 CityU researcher wins distinguished materials science award
Dr Xu Wanghuai, a recent PhD graduate in MNE, received the 2021 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award (Silver) for his pioneering research on the development of a novel droplet-based electricity generator for advancing scientific research into water energy generation.
CityU wins 12 awards at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, the highest number among all universities in Hong Kong
Researchers from CityU won the highest number of awards among all universities in Hong Kong at IGED 2021, including a Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury, five Gold Medals, three Silver Medals and three Bronze Medals, demonstrating the excellence of the research carried out at CityU.
CityU scholar wins Tencent’s Xplorer Prize
Professor Wang Zuankai of CityU won the 2020 Xplorer Prize organised by the Tencent Foundation.
CityU secures HK$23m funding from two RGC Research Fellow Schemes
CityU has been granted more than HK$23 million in research funding from the inaugural Senior Research Fellow Scheme and Research Fellow Scheme under the Research Grants Council.
Brazil bougainvillea has been selected as the new floral emblem of CityU.
CityU recently won a prestigious award for promoting green architecture, bringing the total number of awards it has received for the flagship building to six.
The new 4-year curriculum has prompted CityU to construct Academic 2 (AC2) and Academic 3 (AC3). The designs for both buildings incorporate many green features, earning AC3 a green building award recently.
CityU has marked an important milestone in the development of its campus with the opening of Academic 2.

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