
Showing 21 to 30 of 42 results
Two CityU business students have received the Silver Award in the first "Outstanding Financial Planning Award for Hong Kong Undergraduates" contest.
Two business students of City University of Hong Kong and the Community College of City University have defeated hundreds of local business students to grab a major prize at the Business Administration Paper 2006 competition.
CityU shares cutting-edge knowledge and applied research on finance and investment at its Conference on Investment Risk and Wealth Management on 18 March.
CityU presented 1,089 awards to outstanding students at its annual Scholarship and Prize Presentation Ceremony.Thanks to donations and contributions totalling HK$16.6 million, more than 1,300 awards will be available this year, a 30% increase on last year.
CityU is hosting the first ever All China Economics International Conference in a bid to foster exchange among scholars and professionals on economic issues concerning China and members of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
CityU hosted a public forum entitled “Goods and Services Tax (GST): Visions or Missions Impossible?” to promote discussion on the issue of introducing GST in Hong Kong.
Significant improvements in local corporate governance over the past two years have been recorded in a new survey conducted by CityU and HKIoD.
This year sees at least five of CityU's graduates continuing their studies or starting teaching at UK's Oxford University and Cambridge University.
A dozen alumni from MGT have spent the weekend conducting activity-based assessment exercises that they designed themselves to help identify the most suitable candidates in Jiangxi Province for scholarships offered by the Virtus Foundation.
More than 100 academics from the mainland are participating in the 5th National Conference on International Trade, held by CityU and Beijing University of International Business and Economics.

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