
Showing 151 to 160 of 506 results
A prize presentation ceremony for a Chinese calligraphy contest titled Enchanting Brush of Minds was held on 18 December at the Run Run Shaw Library of CityU.
Professor Huang Huikang, Director General of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC and a member of the International Law Commission of the UN, delivered a lecture on 12 December.
The Centre for System Informatics Engineering at CityU has received a generous software donation amounting to HK$2.3 million from National Instruments Corporation to enhance teaching and research.
The College of Science and Engineering is launching Hong Kong’s first ever dual undergraduate degree programme with Columbia University.
A new scheme aimed at improving students’ English language skills and contributing to a more internationalised campus has been introduced at CityU.
Some 50 student works demonstrating a high level of creativity will be showcased at the “Playful Media 2012” exhibition held by the School of Creative Media from 13 to 17 June.
Some 90 technology projects showcasing the innovative ways students set about solving problems found in daily life are the focus of an exhibition organised by the College of Science and Engineering.
CityU, in support of its Discovery-enriched Curriculum and the growing importance of mobile technology, has allocated HK$9 million to implement its e-learning strategy.
Six teachers received the Teaching Excellence Awards 2011-12 on 17 April in recognition of their contributions to raising the quality of teaching at CityU.
CityU has redesigned its entire public website to be mobile-friendly and implemented a mobile-learning scheme that allows interactive learning anytime, anywhere.

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