
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results
CityU secures HK$23m funding from two RGC Research Fellow Schemes
CityU has been granted more than HK$23 million in research funding from the inaugural Senior Research Fellow Scheme and Research Fellow Scheme under the Research Grants Council.
Uncovering the secret of RNA paves the way for drug discovery for Covid-19
A research team led by scientists at CityU has developed a new method for identifying binding proteins of non-coding RNAs in living cells, which can be applied in cancer diagnosis and stem cell research, and may even help to identify potential antiviral drug targets to combat Covid-19.
CityU Shenzhen Research Institute set a new record of receiving a total amount of grant of nearly RMB66.2 million in 2016, an increase of RMB26.3 million over 2015, representing a jump of 66%.
Representatives from CityU and a number of mainland universities exchanged ideas at a “Postgraduate Education Roundtable Forum” in early May in Suzhou.
The President of National Chiao Tung University, Professor Frank Chang Mau-Chung, delivered a distinguished lecture titled “Marching Toward Great University” on 22 May.
Experts from the public, private and academic sectors discussed the role of public-private partnerships in China’s Belt-Road initiative at an UN forum.

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