
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results
A number of recently graduated CityU students have been admitted to postgraduate programmes at the world’s top universities, including Cambridge University and Oxford University in the UK, to continue their pursuit of academic and research excellence.
An outstanding student from the Department of Biology and Chemistry will be heading to the University of Oxford to prepare for a research career in biomedical science after successfully competing for scholarship admission to a graduate programme.
As a token of her gratitude, Jamie Zhan Bao, a Year 3 student from the Department of Biology and Chemistry, presented her Olympic Torch to CityU for its silver jubilee anniversary.
MERIT, led by CityU, has been awarded HK$23.6 million funding from the UGC’s Areas of Excellence Scheme, in recognition of its outstanding contributions to the research and management of the marine environment in Hong Kong and worldwide.

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