
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
Professor He Jufang of CityU and his team have identified the neuromodulator which plays a crucial role in memory formation. The findings may help develop drugs that can alleviate memory loss process.
The term “bitcoin” was the most popular new word used by the media in the Pan-Chinese region, according to the 2013 LIVAC Pan-Chinese New Word Rosters released by CityU.
Mr Ahmed Sharif, a PhD student of the Department of Electronic Engineering, won the IEEE CPMT Young Award for his research paper on lead-free solder.
The School of Law held its International Conference on Human Rights and Development: Approaches to the Reform of Governance in Asia, from 9 to 10 May in the Multi-media Conference Room.
Prof (Chair) Guanrong Chen of the Electronic Engineering Department has been selected to receive the 2005 IEEE Guillemin-Cauer Best Transaction Paper Award from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.

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