
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
A total of 78 projects from students in the Faculty of Science and Engineering were on display at a two-day exhibition on campus from 29 to 30 May.
CityU proudly announces that four outstanding university teachers nominated by students, alumni or programme committees have won the 2005-06 Teaching Excellence Awards. The four winners were chosen from 27 nominations.
CityU announces the launch of the “A+++ Scholarship” Schemes to reward newly-recruited students with outstanding academic and sports achievements admitted to the University in the 2006-07 academic year.
Putonghua learners now will be able to master the tones and intonation more accurately thanks to new online Putonghua learning software developed by Ms Sze Mei, Lecturer in CityU's Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, and Dr Peng Gang, Research Fellow of the Department of the Electronic Engineering.
A young AIDS campaigner from Fujian, Bai Zhiyi, shared his experiences with Division of Social Studies students during his visit to CityU, 3-7 September.

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