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As a token of her gratitude, Jamie Zhan Bao, a Year 3 student from the Department of Biology and Chemistry, presented her Olympic Torch to CityU for its silver jubilee anniversary.
Professor Kuo addressed the Beijing-Hong Kong University Presidents' Forum on 13 June, outlining strategies for better academic cooperation in science and technology so as to initiate a regional mechanism for further globalisation in higher education.
More than 100 university students gathered at CityU for the Student Leadership Conference 2009. The theme of the conference, running from 1 to 6 June, was “University education and employability”.
CityU's President, Professor H K Chang, talked today about the one topic that has grabbed the whole city's attention and got on everyone's nerves over the past five weeks: SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. Professor H K Chang said he was sad that the side effects of the epidemic outbreak of atypical pneumonia in Hong Kong have hurtled the local economy and people's livelihoods into near chaos, not to mention emptying school classrooms and university campuses.
In his usual reflective style, the President, Professor H K Chang, began his monthly chat with Linkage, an update on the impending budgetary turmoil (see Linkage 219 and 220), with an observation steeped in history and irony.

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