
Showing 21 to 30 of 44 results
CityU is holding its 2007 Congregation from 6 November to 15 November. The successful stories of two graduates, Sandy Kwan and Louise Zhang, testify that the University's prfessional and whole-person education help them embark on their professional careers.
Forty-seven members of the CityU Choir, Alumni Choir and Staff Association Singing Group participated in the Busan Choral Festival and Competition from 31 October to 4 November. The trip brings rewarding experience to the participants.
Five Bachelor of Arts in Language Studies (Specialisation in Korean) students in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics of CityU were awarded scholarships by Samsung Electronics in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements.
More than 150 parents of Year 1 students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences attended the first Parents' Day hosted by the Faculty on 3 November to familiarise themselves with the study life of their children.
Nobel Prize-winning chemist Professor Jean-Marie Lehn led a full-house audience of almost 200 people to an illuminating journey into the world of chemistry at a distinguished lecture held at CityU on 30 October.
More than just an opportunity to bolster CityU's image among mainland and international universities, China Education Expo 2001 is giving CityU the opportunity to recruit the mainland's best and brightest students.
In an effort to better understand the needs of today's students and to foster a deeper co-operative spirit with local secondary schools, CityU today welcomed five Hong Kong secondary school principals to the campus. Three of the visiting schools were also represented by three career masters.
The Department of Electronic Engineering and the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology are putting their best faces-and finest research projects-forward at the Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2001.
Three CityU scientists, all from the Department of Biology and Chemistry (BCH), will take an active role as key collaborative partners in the Area of Excellence (AoE) Scheme. The Scheme, now in its second round, was introduced in 1995 by the University Grants Committee with the aim of promoting excellence in research and other scholarly activities in selected areas among local universities.
A CityU project will provide SMEs in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region with the tools and resources needed to improve their productivity and competitive advantage, according to Dr Peter Lo, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Association. Dr Lo inaugurated the University's Product Lifecycle Management Competency Unit (PLMCU) on 17 September.

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