CityU students chosen for Global Citizen Programme

Eliza Lee


Five outstanding students were selected by The Dragon Foundation to participate in the Global Citizenship Programme in Switzerland and the US this year. Under the theme "Ethical Interdependence", the delegations took part in discourse relating to globalisation and the responsibilities of global citizens.

The annual programme has been organised by The Dragon Foundation and the Institute of International Education since 2004. It aims to foster students’ understanding of global citizenship, raise their awareness of global issues and develop leadership skills.

The number of students selected from the University this year is the highest in one year, reflecting CityU’s commitment to nurturing students’ whole-person development had been recognised by society.

Wong Hoi-yi, a Year 3 School of Law student, went to Geneva from 6 June to 13 June. She visited international institutions such as the International Red Cross,

United Nations and World Trade Organisation, to explore human rights and fair trade issues. She also took part in cultural exchange activities with host students.

Ng Kam-kay, a Year 4 School of Law student, Crystal Ongkingco, a Year 2 Department of Marketing student, Pan Geni, a Year 2 Department of Accountancy student, and Sun Yu, a Year 1 Department of Mathematics student, were delegates to New York from 20 June to 27 June. They visited the United Nations, a global advertising company and international financial media firms. Each of them met professionals from different industries to explore the topics of creativity and environmental protection.

They admitted the programme had improved their understanding of global issues such as globalisation, environment protection and the logistics of international institutions.

"I endeavour to build a better world; this is my mission," said Crystal Ongkingco.

Wong Hoi-yi said, "I understand every action, no matter how small, can have ramifications, thus our behaviour must result in a positive contribution to the world."

Sun Yu said she honed her interpersonal skills. "I’ve learnt to analyse things from different angles, not only from my own point-of-view. And I wish to be a volunteer abroad, serving the needy," she said.

"Delegates from different disciplines had their own distinguishing characteristics and I have learnt a lot from all of them," said Ng Kam-kay.


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