INSO holds a farewell party for exchange students

Audrey Chung


City University of Hong Kong’s International and Non-local Students Office (INSO) organized a farewell party on 2 December for more than 80 exchange and local students to share learning experiences.


About 220 non-local and international students have chosen to become exchange

students at CityU this year. This demonstrates the high standing of the University, its professional education and applied research. CityU’s internationalized campus also facilitates cultural exchanges between students from different countries and enriches students’ campus life.


At the party local students helped acquaint exchange students with a taste of Chinese culture and traditional Chinese arts, such as Chinese calligraphy, theatrical masks, Chinese knots and games.  


Professor Lilian Vrijmoed, Dean of Student Learning, said she was very pleased to see the exchange students once more. “I can remember the day we met first time three months ago when you first arrived and were keen to know more about Chinese culture. I hope you have made some good friends here and have learnt something about Chinese culture.”


Meanwhile Professor Richard Ho, Dean of Undergraduate Education, talked

about his student life in the US and thanked the exchange students for choosing CityU. He said he hoped they would take happy memories of CityU back to their hometowns.


Some of the exchange students helped put on a final farewell show. Debbie Tutaan, a final-year student in accountancy and marketing at the University of Technology, Sydney, took part in a lion dance. Ms Tutaan said she had been learning Chinese martial arts for six years.


Rupert Sterrer, a Year 3 student in production and management at the University of Applied Sciences Steyr in Austria, said he held a similar passion for martial arts. He treated the other guests to a kung fu demonstration.


Ms Tutaan and Mr Sterrer said the party was a great opportunity for exchange students to meet local students before going back home and that their exchange experience had been a valuable cultural experience.


In addition to helping out non-local and exchange students, INSO held an exhibition entitled “Enrich Your CityU Education Life with an International Exposure” from 18 to 23 November at the Covered Terrace to provide information for local students interested in joining student exchange programmes outside Hong Kong.



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