CityU introduces Mathematics Enhancement Scheme to serve the community

Fanny Ho



City University of Hong Kong’s Department of Mathematics has teamed up with a number of Hong Kong schools to introduce the Mathematics Enhancement Scheme for primary and secondary school students in Shatin, Taipo, Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing districts. 


The participating schools include China Holiness Church Living Spirit College, CNEC Lee I Yao Memorial Secondary School, Lock Tao Secondary School and Stewards M.K.M.C.F. Ma Ko Pan Memorial College.


More than 20 CityU mathematics students have volunteered their time to provide training for some 1,500 primary five to form three students in a new and interactive way. The aim of the scheme is to encourage the school students to take a greater interest in mathematics as well as developing their skills in mathematics. There will also be benefits for the university students. CityU emphasizes whole-person development and encourages students to realize their full potential. By taking part in this scheme, the university students can use their skills in mathematics to make a positive contribution to the community.


The Mathematics Enhancement Scheme is structured in four stages, the first three during the summer vacation while the fourth will start at the beginning of the new academic year. The first stage targets primary five and primary six students with the aim of teaching them to solve mathematical problems that they generally find difficult to handle.  The second stage serves form one to form three students. CityU students will introduce elementary and advanced level classes to consolidate and boost these pupils’ mathematical skills.  The third stage targets newly admitted form one students, in the hope of improving their mathematical skills and preparing them for high school programmes. Based on their results in the mathematics attainment test, tutorial classes will be given to bring the students’ mathematics abilities up to the required level.  The final stage can be regarded as an extension of the first. At this stage, CityU students will provide mathematical training for primary six students to prepare them for their future secondary education.


Dr Chung Kwok-wai, Associate Professor of CityU’s Department of Mathematics and Mr Wan Chi-keung, secondary school teacher and chief programme organizer, recently visited Shatin Methodist Primary School to make an initial assessment of the scheme and to gauge the progress of both CityU and the school students.


That day, under the guidance of CityU student Miss Poon Ka-wah, about 20 primary five students were taught about diagrammatic areas and circumferences by folding paper and drawing diagrams.


By using such game-playing methods to teach mathematics, Miss Poon emphasized the importance of applying mathematical knowledge to daily life. “Once students were outside the formal classrooms and in a really relaxed situation, they all became clearly much less inhibited. They took initiatives and were much less afraid to ask questions.  As a result of this scheme, I have certainly become profoundly appreciative of the importance of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,” she said.


Dr Chung Kwok-wai is very pleased with the results of the Mathematics Enhancement Scheme. “We see this scheme as a way to connect CityU with primary and secondary schools.  By means of this mutual cooperation, we expect to further enhance mathematical education in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the participating CityU students can benefit themselves by gaining practical experience from providing such services to the community,” Dr Chung said.


Mr Wan Chi-keung said he was impressed with the outstanding performance of the students from CityU. “The positive attitude of CityU students and their diligence and sense of responsibility in their teaching is extremely impressive.  In addition to improving the mathematical standards of the students, they themselves have become role models for all their students,” he said.





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