Promoting communications across cultures


Planning for a centre to study cross-cultural influences between East and West began at CityU in 2000, with the establishment of the Steering Committee of the Cross Cultural Centre. Members included Professor Matthew Chen, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor Zhang Longxi, Chair Professor of Comparative Literature and Translation in the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics (currently Director of the Centre for Cross-Cultural Studies), and Professor Cheng Pei-kai, Director of the Chinese Civilisation Centre.

The Centre is devoted to the study of cross-cultural understanding with a clear humanistic emphasis. It aims to support high quality research and to make a significant contribution to scholarship, both locally and internationally. The main research focus of the Centre is East-West cultural relations. It supports research that investigates the history and complexity of the understanding of China in the West, and also understanding of the West in China, including the hermeneutic tradition in China and Western hermeneutics; chinoiserie, culture and cartography; and Chinese-Western relations since Matteo Ricci.

The Centre's Visiting Fellowship Programme was designed to allow visiting fellows to carry out specific research projects, to conduct seminars and to give public lectures on topics of general interest. Senior visiting fellows are expected to disseminate the Centre's research output internationally. Junior scholars may also apply to be visiting fellows. Prior to the official opening of the Centre, renowned visitors in the field of cross-cultural studies included Professor Huan Saussy from Stanford University and Professor David Stone from City University of New York.

Scholarly exchange with research centres and institutions in the mainland and overseas is encouraged at the Centre; cooperation in research and publications are regarded as essential activities. Regular regional and international scholarly conferences are also sponsored. The Centre's newsletter-Ex/Change-contains news of forthcoming activities and announcements of seminars and public lectures. Scholarly contributions are welcome. Ex/Change is available online:



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