CityU Information Day provides admission updates with exhibition of ancient ships


A series of exhibitions, talks and workshops as well as facility tours aiming to provide the latest information of academic programmes and university life will be arranged for the Information Day at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 17 October.

The popular “Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships New Media Art Exhibition” will also be open to public on the same day.

Specific talks and exhibitions will be held by individual colleges and schools at CityU, including the College of Business (CB), College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), College of Science and Engineering (CSE), School of Creative Media (SCM), School of Law and School of Energy and Environment (SEE).

Starting from the upcoming academic year, CB and CLASS will admit students by individual academic departments instead of the current practice of admitting by colleges.

Also, Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) applicants for 2016 are required to have two elective subjects from the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination.

To help JUPAS and Non-JUPAS applicants understand the admission requirements and selection criteria, CityU’s Admissions Office will organise several information sessions.

Alumni and professionals will also present the current and future developments of various industries in talks hosted by CityU’s colleges and schools.

An exhibition themed “Innovative Technology for the Future” held by CSE will display three items: a nuclear reactor model named “Hualong 1”, a quadrocopter which is a rotorcraft propelled by four rotors, and a mobile manipulator. CSE teachers and students developed the control device of the mobile manipulator and the quadrocopter.

The “Hualong 1” model, donated by Guangdong Nuclear Power Joint Venture Company, Ltd, and displayed in Hong Kong for the first time, will reveal the third generation of nuclear reactors developed by China.

In addition, the “Rebuilding the Tong-an Ships New Media Art Exhibition” will be held at CityU’s Academic 3. Jointly organised by CityU and the National Palace Museum in Taipei, the exhibition will bring to life the maritime world of East Asia in the 19th century. The story of the famed Chinese pirate Cheung Po-tsai will also be presented, too.

Favourably received by the local community, the exhibition will run until 17 October. 

Various learning centres and other facilities will be open for the public to visit, including the English Language Centre, Computing Services Centre, Student Career Centre, and Sports Centre.

Visitors may also join guided tours to visit various learning and research facilities on campus, such as the laboratories in the CSE, SEE and the Department of Applied Social Sciences; the studio of the SCM; English Language Centre; the Library; and student residence.

For details of the Information Day, please visit

Media enquiries:
Eva Choy, Communications and Public Relations Office (Tel: 3442 9325 or 9787 7671)


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