New Year Fair offers non-local students a taste of Chinese culture


New Year Fair offers non-local students a taste of Chinese culture


City University of Hong Kong (CityU) held a Chinese New Year Fair on 21 February in the Multi-function Hall of Student Residence. The event was organised by the International & Non-local Student Office (INSO) CityU Buddy Scheme. From planning to execution, students take a leading role. Through organising these kinds of activities, CityU fulfils its stated objective of focusing on whole-person development and, at the same time, provides a chance for students from different countries to better understand traditional Chinese festival culture.


As an introduction to Chinese New Year culture, the fair included booths dedicated to writing Chinese couplets, Chinese lantern riddles, Chinese paper cutting and traditional food preparation and tastings. There was a Red Packet Exhibition and a “God of Wealth”, acted by a student, mingled with the crowd.


“We organise the fair to let students introduce traditional Chinese culture and customs to other students in a relaxing way,” said Ms Helen Lam, Director of INSO. “This is also a platform for internationalisation, which allows overseas exchange students, mainland students and local students to mingle and develop their friendship.”


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For media enquiries, please contact Jo Kam, Communications Office, City University of Hong Kong, at 3442 6806 or 6033 5947.



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