
Showing 1 to 10 of 14 results
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery Presents its latest exhibition, “A Passion for Silk: The Road from China to Europe”
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of CityUHK is excited to announce the exhibition “A Passion for Silk: The Road from China to Europe”, curated by art historian Dr Isabelle Frank. The exhibition presents the 2000-year history of silk, displaying exquisite artefacts from around the globe.
Professor Alfred Ho Tat-kei elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration
Congratulations to Professor Alfred Ho Tat-kei of CityU on his election as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He is the only Fellow elected from Asia this year, emphasising the lead that CityU is taking in the field of public administration.
Hungary’s Foreign Minister analyses geopolitical concerns for Europe and China ahead of Belt and Road Summit at Distinguished Lecture at CityU
Hungary’s physical and economic security concerns amid highly complex geopolitical pressures were the central elements in a Distinguished Lecture delivered by Mr Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, on 13 September at CityU.
12 Zodiac Head Sculptures
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of CityU presents the second phase of the “The Grand Gathering of the Century: Zodiac Heads from the Yuanmingyuan and Important Treasures” exhibition from 5 September to 30 November 2023, displaying a complete set of sculptures of the twelve zodiac heads.
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery Presents “The Grand Gathering of the Century: Zodiac Heads from the Yuanmingyuan and Important Treasures” Exhibition Featuring four original zodiac heads from the Yuanmingyuan
Jointly organised by CityU, China Tourism Group Corporation Limited [China Travel Service (Holdings) Hong Kong Limited], and Poly Art Museum, an exhibition showcasing four original zodiac heads from the Yuanmingyuan of the Qing imperial court will be held from 4 July to 31 October 2023 at CityU.
Harry and Indra Bange Gallery’s new exhibition
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at CityU presents the new exhibition “Hunters, Warriors, Spirits: Nomadic Art of North China” from 23 July until 23 October.
Tang Dynasty murals exhibition
The Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at CityU is pleased to present “A Glimpse of Tang Prosperity from Murals – The Exhibition Tour on Murals of the Tang Dynasty” from now until 27 February 2022.
‘One Night in Tang Paradise’ fundraiser supports Indra and Harry Banga Gallery
The first large-scale fundraising gala “One Night in Tang Paradise” in support of the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at CityU was held on 26 November.
 New exhibition spotlights diffusion of Buddhism along Maritime Silk Road
A new exhibition “Atlas of Maritime Buddhism” at the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery of CityU turns the spotlight on how the Maritime Silk Road enabled cultural exchanges through the diffusion of Buddhism.
Prominent business leaders support CityU’s highly successful exhibition gallery
CityU Exhibition Gallery was named the “Indra and Harry Banga Gallery” on 5 November in appreciation of the support and generous donation made by Mr and Mrs Banga.

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