
Showing 1 to 10 of 26 results
CLPe teams up with CityUHK to install solar power system across the campus
CLPe and CityUHK announced that they have teamed up to install advanced high-efficiency bifacial solar panels across the campus as a one-stop Solar-as-a-Service solution provided by CLPe, which promotes the adoption of renewable energy in the University in the most cost-effective way.
CityU embraces winter festive season with students
Faculty and students of CityU have set up three Christmas trees, including two distinctive eco-friendly ones, on the campus for the CityU community to share their heartfelt greetings and words of encouragement, embracing the winter season together.
Convenient Lunchbox Lending Programme reduces disposable waste and promotes sustainability for eight universities
A convenient lunchbox lending and return system has been implemented in the eight publicly-funded universities to reduce single-use plastic consumption and promote sustainable development on campus.
Award-winning safety performance at CityU
CityU won the “Safety Performance Award – Outstanding” in the 19th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award.
Brazil bougainvillea has been selected as the new floral emblem of CityU.
A number of strategic measures have been prepared at CityU for the double cohort of first-year students beginning their undergraduate studies this semester.
CityU has included an electric sedan in its fleet of vehicles, a 5-seater Nissan Leaf that produces zero roadside carbon emissions.
CityU won the Biggest Unit Saver Award in the company category of the Power Smart Contest 2010, which was organised by Friends of the Earth (HK), recognising the University’s dedication in creating a low-carbon campus.
MERIT led by CityU has been designated by a UN body as the first Regional Centre of Excellence in Marine Pollution, underpinning its leadership position in the field of marine pollution research, monitoring, assessment and management.
Mr Zhang Xian-en, Director General of the Department of Basic Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, led a five-member delegation to visit the world class technologies of MERIT and the Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory at CityU on 23 May.

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