
Showing 11 to 20 of 53 results
Super-elastic high-entropy Elinvar alloy discovered with potential for aerospace engineering
A research team led by a CityU scholar and other researchers have discovered a first-of-its-kind super-elastic alloy that can retain its stiffness even after being heated to 1,000 K (about 727 ℃) or above, with nearly zero energy dissipation. The team believes that the alloy can be applied in manufacturing high-precision devices for space missions.
CityU new structured thermal armour achieves liquid cooling above 1,000°C; solves challenge presented by Leidenfrost effect since 1756
A CityU research team has recently designed a structured thermal armour that achieves efficient liquid cooling even over 1,000°C, fundamentally solving a 266-year-old challenge presented by the Leidenfrost effect.
Excellent faculty lead CityU into world’s top 10 young universities
CityU is ranked 7th among the world's top young universities according to the Nature Index 2021 Young Universities, issued by the leading academic publisher Springer Nature.
World’s first new discovery of liquid directional steering in two centuries
CityU scientists have discovered that the spreading direction of different liquids deposited on the same surface can be steered, a challenge that had remained unsolved for over two centuries.

CityU’s new fast-track ventilation system can thoroughly filter Covid-19
A new ventilation system developed by a research team at CityU can thoroughly filter viral particles and quickly stop the spread of Covid-19 in the air and at low cost.
Flexible electronic sensors enable more exhaustive joint health monitoring
Joint disorders due to prolonged sedentary postures at work can now be effectively prevented and rehabilitated thanks to a new sensor developed at CityU.
 CityU researcher wins distinguished materials science award
Dr Xu Wanghuai, a recent PhD graduate in MNE, received the 2021 Materials Research Society Graduate Student Award (Silver) for his pioneering research on the development of a novel droplet-based electricity generator for advancing scientific research into water energy generation.
CityU wins 12 awards at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days, the highest number among all universities in Hong Kong
Researchers from CityU won the highest number of awards among all universities in Hong Kong at IGED 2021, including a Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury, five Gold Medals, three Silver Medals and three Bronze Medals, demonstrating the excellence of the research carried out at CityU.
Advanced robot sensors facilitate superior touch and feel
By mimicking human skin, new kinds of tactile sensor technologies created at CityU offer hope to improving the quality of life for people suffering serious injuries and disabilities.
Award-winning safety performance at CityU
CityU won the “Safety Performance Award – Outstanding” in the 19th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award.

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