
Showing 11 to 20 of 22 results
CityU co-organises cross-border forum with French institutions to explore the “One Health” concept
One Health @ CityU x France has brought together professionals from various areas of expertise to discuss biotechnology and the contribution of veterinary medicine and engineering to the “One Health” approach in two panel discussions.
CityU expert in veterinary epidemiology granted Lifetime Achievement Award
The prestigious Calvin W. Schwabe Award has been bestowed upon Professor Dirk Pfeiffer, Chow Tak Fung Chair Professor of One Health and Director of the Centre for Applied One Health Research and Policy Advice at CityU.
CityU expert advocates Covid-19 vaccination for the community
Hong Kong should not squander a unique opportunity to protect itself and others from Covid-19, according to Professor Nikolaus Osterrieder, Dean of the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences, in an online talk titled “Covid-19 Vaccination - A One Health No-Brainer” on 3 June.
 HK$12 million CityU grant continues to invigorate local fisheries
The sustainable development of local fisheries is the major beneficiary of a HK$12 million government grant to CityU.
New study: Goats more ‘cognitively flexible’ than sheep
Goats can adapt to changing environmental conditions more quickly than sheep probably because of different feeding ecologies, according to a new study involving Dr Alan McElligott, an expert in animal behaviour and welfare at CityU.
Joint Lab
The Greater Bay Area Joint Laboratory of Big Data Imaging and Communications has been established by the Department of Electrical Engineering and the State Key Laboratory of Terahertz and Millimeter Waves at CityU.
Prof Chan Chi-hou
Chair Professor Chan Chi-hou of the Department of Electronic Engineering has been honoured with the 2019 IEEE AP-S Harrington-Mittra Computational Electromagnetics Award.
CityU wins two golds and two silvers at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva
Researchers from CityU have received four awards, including two Gold Medals and two Silver Medals at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva held in Switzerland.
The Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences has been granted $35 million in government funding to enhance the sustainability, health and production of local livestock farms and fisheries.
The CityU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory was officially launched on 10 July, marking a milestone in the development of veterinary medicine in Hong Kong and the region.

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