
Showing 31 to 39 of 39 results
CityU raised its standing among local tertiary institutions in this year's Competitive Earmarked Research Grants (CERG) Applications, increasing its funding to HK$56.8 million, a 4.4 per cent increase over last year's results of HK$54.4 million.
More than 100 participants from all over the world filled the Wei Hing Theatre on 10 July for the opening ceremony of the Eighth International Conference on Language and Social Psychology (ICLASP).
More than 130 international accounting professionals shared their latest research and insights into contemporary accounting and auditing issues at CityU's Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics Symposium on 3 and 4 January.
City University of Hong Kong advocates applied research and emphasizes the transfer of knowledge and technology to industry and commerce because of their benefit to the community. To encourage applied research and to recognize those who excel in this area, City University has run the Applied Research Excellence Awards Competition since 1995.
An audience of more than 120 turned up on 19 September to honour the winners of CityU's Third Applied Research Excellence Awards, organized by the Industrial and Business Development Office.
In his 2001-2002 budget speech, the Financial Secretary said it is imperative that Hong Kong "continue to enhance our corporate governance" as an international financial centre, even though this standard is among the highest in the region.
Following the explosive development of IT, a technological revolution is taking place in the international linguistic scene-the use of technology to save the world's endangered languages. And this is probably why the National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities in the US jointly sponsored the establishment of the Electronic Meta-structure for Endangered Language Data Project (EMELD) a few months ago.
A Website Management Programme for students in the Bachelor of Arts with Honours Degree in Language Information Science, offered by CityU's Department of Chinese,Translation and Linguistics, is proving a great success, with student participation now including a large number of students from all three years. The programme is run by Dr Jonathan Webster, Acting Head of CityU's Department of English and Communication.
Researchers from the Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics and the Faculty Laboratory Centre were awarded the largest single CERG ($1.5m) in the Humanities, Social Sciences & Business Studies panel to develop an example-based machine translation (EBMT) system for the specialized language of legislation and legal documents. Their timely investigation will help to address the growing demand for bilingual legal texts as Hong Kong converts to a bilingual legal system.

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