
Showing 51 to 57 of 57 results
T M Chan, a PhD student in the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE) at CityU, won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology 2005 (ICIT).
An AI software system designed and developed by CityU's Dr Andy Chun and the MTR has been honoured by the Hong Kong Computer Society.
SoftEnable Technology Ltd, an associate company of CityU Enterprises, won the Platinum Award in the Manufacturing Category of the 2005 Hong Kong Outstanding Software Applications Competition, organized by Oracle, HP and Intel.
An AI software system jointly designed and developed by CityU and the MTR Corporation has been honoured by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence with the “Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence” Award 2005.
Three students at CityU have achieved first and second prizes in the Postgraduate section and the third prize in the Undergraduate section of the IEEE Hong Kong Section Student Paper Contest held in 2004.
Two CityU enterprises have been recognized for excellence in industrial performance.
From Beijing to Israel and back; then onwards to Hong Kong, Dr Liu Wenyin has accomplished more than most in under 40 years, and won the prestigious ICDAR Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) 2003 along the way. Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science (CS) since 2002, Dr Liu has authored or coauthored over 100 publications, has seven patents pending and reached Senior Member grade in the IEEE.

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