
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 results
Court hears latest CityU updates
Members were treated to a comprehensive update on what has been happening at CityU over the year at the 17th meeting of the Court held at CityU on 19 November.
Construction work kicks off for HK Tech International Centre
A ground-breaking ceremony was held at CityU for the HK Tech International Centre on 29 November. Scheduled to open at the end of 2023, this unique building demonstrates CityU's vision to develop as a modern campus where students from around the world can meet in a convenient and comfortable environment.
Seminar for secondary schools showcases CityU’s latest initiatives for talented students
Exciting new initiatives that nurture student talent and create applicable knowledge for social and economic advancement were introduced to secondary school representatives at a luncheon seminar hosted by CityU on 25 November.
‘One Night in Tang Paradise’ fundraiser supports Indra and Harry Banga Gallery
The first large-scale fundraising gala “One Night in Tang Paradise” in support of the Indra and Harry Banga Gallery at CityU was held on 26 November.
CityU study: testing at-risk people precisely as an exit strategy when border reopens
A research team at CityU has developed the first mathematical model that takes variation in confirmation delay into account, making quantifying the impacts of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) such as gathering bans more accurate.
Mathematical theory of deep learning
Deep learning has resulted in breakthroughs in dealing with big data, speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing, and many other domains, according to Professor Zhou Dingxuan at the 46th talk in the President’s Lecture Series: Excellence in Academia at CityU on 11 November.
 CityU and HKSTP sign Memorandum of Understanding for collaboration
CityU and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 11 November for launching collaborative programmes in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and further promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.
CityU and Mary Rose School join hands for Hong Kong Marathon 2022
Staff and students at CityU will partner up for the third time with students from Mary Rose School for the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon in 2022 to promote greater social integration through sports.
Two distinguished persons conferred honorary doctorates by CityU
CityU conferred honorary doctorates on two distinguished persons on 5 November in recognition of their significant contributions to education and the well-being of society.
Powerful new Ti-alloys using 3D printing
Super-strong, highly ductile and ultra-light alloys are now possible thanks to the innovative use of additive manufacturing according to a materials research team at CityU.

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