
Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results
Eminent CityU faculty receive RGC awards
Outstanding faculty members at CityU were recognised by RGC at an Awards Presentation Ceremony on 24 November for their distinguished research achievements and significant contributions to higher education.
 ‘Magic’ spray creates bio-med millirobots for precise drug delivery
A “magic” spray for turning objects into agile millirobots to deliver drugs precisely inside a living body has been developed in joint research led by a scientist from CityU.
New approach for making high-strength and ductile alloys
A research team led CityU has discovered a new strategy for fabricating multicomponent superlattice alloys with disordered interfacial nanolayers that have both high strength and good ductility at various temperatures.

ITF funding secured for anti-Covid-19 research
Research at CityU aimed at tackling Covid-19 has attracted over $7.1 million in funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) under the Innovation and Technology Commission.
Seawalls’ marine biodiversity enhanced by eco-engineered tiles: CityU study
A research team of marine ecologists led by CityU has generated promising results for enhancing marine biodiversity on seawalls in the western waters of Hong Kong via eco-engineered tiles.
City University of Hong Kong is showcasing more than 50 projects at the Innovation Expo 05 to demonstrate how science, new technologies and applied research can improve the quality of people's lives.
CityU is organizing the “International Conference on Polymer Optical Fibre” from 20 to 22 September. The annual conference promotes the research, study and application of plastic optical fibre.
ASTRI, the biggest R & D organization in Hong Kong, has agreed to license innovative computer software technology created by Dr Anthony Fong, Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering.
SoftEnable Technology Ltd, an associate company of CityU Enterprises, won the Platinum Award in the Manufacturing Category of the 2005 Hong Kong Outstanding Software Applications Competition, organized by Oracle, HP and Intel.

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