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One of the results of the senior management reshuffle implemented by President H K Chang in December last year was the creation of a new position of Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
In late February, a flurry of media reports on the government allocations for local universities in 2005-08 sent waves of jitters and dismay across local university campuses. Added to staff concern was a government proposal, now tabled before the Legislative Council, urging universities to"delink" their pay scales from those of the civil service, effective 1 July.
I never thought that I would have anything to do with osteoporosis," said Ms Chan, an administrative staff member in her late thirties. Her doctor, however, thought her body mass index was low, which means she is underweight, and reminded her of the bone scan offered during CityU's Wellness March 2003. "My scan result suggested that I have a medium-to-high risk of getting osteoporosis.O

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